Dental Bone Grafting in Poway, CA

Dental Bone Graft Procedure

If you’re seeking dental restoration procedures, such as dental implants, you might also require supplementary treatments like a dental bone graft. During this procedure, Dr. Sarju Patel, at Pomerado Family Dental in Poway, CA near Ramona, Rancho Bernardo, Scripps Ranch, 4S Ranch, and Mira Mesa, will utilize bone material sourced from a cadaver, your own body, or a synthetic source to enhance your jawbone density. This augmentation is crucial for ensuring the stability and longevity of dental implants and other restorative interventions.

Man Smiling with Beautiful teeth
Bone Grafting

Types of Bone Grafts

There are four different types of bone grafts that you need to be aware of. They are as follows:


In an autograft, Dr. Patel will take bone from elsewhere in the patient’s body to build up the jawbone. In most cases, this bone is taken from the hip bone or the back of the jawbone. This type of bone graft will stimulate your body to reproduce bone.
On average, an autograft costs $700 to $1,000.


A xenograft is a process of using bone from an animal. In most cases, a bone from a cow is used. In most cases, a xenograft is successful- but due to the fact that it uses bone from a different species, it is less successful than an autograft or allograft. This type of bone graft does not stimulate your body to form bone but acts as scaffolding for your bone to grow into.
On average, a xenograft costs $700 to $1,000.


An alloplast is a bone grafting procedure that uses synthetic bone. This synthetic bone is made of calcium, phosphorous, and hydroxyapatite. An alloplast is similar to a xenograft in that it only acts as scaffolding for your bone to grow- it does not stimulate the body to produce new bone.


Since human bone is ideal for bone grafting procedures, if you do not qualify for an autograft, we may consider an allograft. In this procedure, the bone is sourced from a cadaver. This is safer and more affordable than an autograft and there is a low risk of infection.

Types of Bone Grafting Surgery Procedures

There are 4 types of bone grafting surgical procedures. These are:

Ridge Augmentation

The alveolar ridge is the jawbone that surrounds tooth roots. When a tooth is lost, an empty socket is left behind. Often, the socket will heal on its own, filling in with bone and tissue. In some cases, when a tooth is missing, the jawbone around the socket is lost.
A ridge augmentation is often done following tooth loss. It recreates the natural contour of the gums/jaw that is lost due to missing teeth or other reasons. It is often needed for patients who want to improve the aesthetics of their smile or who are interested in dental implants.

Sinus lift

You have four empty, air-filled spaces in your skull. These are known as your sinuses and have several functions, including reducing the weight of your skull. Some of the teeth in your upper arch have roots that can extend into your maxillary sinuses. In this case, you’ll need a sinus lift. This is a procedure in which the sinus floor is lifted to create space for dental implants to be placed.

Socket graft

The primary reason for jawbone deterioration is tooth loss/extraction because the bone is no longer being stimulated by the bone. A socket graft is a dental bone graft that is done in conjunction with a tooth extraction to prevent future bone loss.

Simultaneous bone grafting

This procedure describes the use of multiple bone grafting procedures at once. In most cases, patients who have bone loss and are getting full-mouth dental implants will require both a sinus lift (upper jaw) and a ridge augmentation (lower jaw).
Bone Grafting at Pomerado Family Dental
Girl with beautiful smile

Why is bone grafting needed?

Patients who have experienced a loss of bone density in their jawbone may require a bone graft-especially if they are considering dental implant surgery. There must be sufficient jawbone density to support the implants. There are several reasons for jawbone loss, including:

Periodontal disease

When left untreated, periodontal disease- often referred to as gum disease- will destroy your gums and jawbone, which are the natural support system for your teeth. Dental plaque gathers on the teeth under the gumline and begins to destroy the surrounding tissue. Over time, the jawbone will begin to deteriorate, which causes tooth loss and further deterioration.

Tooth Extraction

You’ve probably heard the saying “use it or lose it.” This also applies to your jawbone. In order to remain healthy, your jawbone requires stimulation from your teeth. When you have teeth removed and don’t have a bone graft, your jawbone no longer has that necessary stimulation and will begin to deteriorate.

Injuries and infections

Some injuries and infections, when left untreated, can cause jawbone deterioration.

Benefits of Dental Bone Graft

The purpose of a dental bone graft is to restore your jaw to its original form following gum disease, tooth loss, or trauma. This procedure increases your eligibility for restorative dental procedures such as dental implants.
Typically, dental bone grafts are considered safe. However, this procedure is not without risks and complications. Some of the most common complications of dental bone grafts include:
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Infection
  • Damage to nerves
  • Complications associated with anesthesia
Aging woman after Dental Implants
Dental Financing

Cost of bone grafting in Poway, CA

The costs associated with bone grafting procedures in Poway, CA, vary based on where the bone is sourced and the complexity of the procedure. If the bone is synthetic or comes from a cadaver or animal, the procedure will typically cost between $400 and $1,200. On the other hand, if the bone comes from the patient’s body, the cost may be $2,000+

Most dental insurance plans consider dental bone grafts to be cosmetic in nature, so they will not cover the surgery. However, our friendly office staff will take your information and will contact your insurance provider to determine coverage. In some cases, if it is determined that the procedure is medically necessary, they may cover a portion of the surgery.
If you do not have coverage or your coverage is inadequate, we will explain our financing options to you. These options can cover your procedure up-front and allow you to make smaller, more affordable payments over time.

Conclusion with CTA

If you have experienced jawbone deterioration and believe that you may benefit from dental bone grafting, contact the team at Pomerado Family Dental in Poway, CA. We understand how important your smile is and will go above and beyond to help you restore it.

old Lady after a dental checkup
Our Dentist At Pomerado Family Dental

Bone Graft FAQs

The team at Pomerado Family Dental in Poway, CA, understands that you have questions when it comes to dental bone grafts. Below, you’ll find a few of the most common questions that we’ve gotten from our patients over the years.

What is a dental bone graft?

A dental bone graft is a procedure that rebuilds/restores and stabilizes weak, damaged jawbone. It is often used to build up the jawbone for dental implants, support bone density following tooth extractions, and secure loose teeth. There are several types of dental bone grafts.

What can I expect following a dental bone graft?

The healing process following a dental bone graft is simple. Typically, the procedure is done using local anesthesia. Since a small incision is made in the gums, you may have some soreness/tenderness and swelling following surgery. However, most patients can control the swelling with ice and the pain with OTC NSAIDs. Over the next few months, the new bone will merge with the existing bone.

How do I care for my dental bone graft?

You will be given specific instructions based on your personal treatment plan. However, you will care for a bone graft much like you would any other type of oral surgery. Some of the general care instructions include:
  • Stick to soft foods/avoid hard and sticky foods.
  • Avoid extremely hot food.
  • Avoid spicy/salty food.
  • Avoid chewing on the surgical site.

How long does recovery take?

Just like any other procedure, recovery varies from one patient to another. Typically, the surgical site will heal within a week or two following surgery, but the bone graft itself may take several months.

How long does the pain last?

This also varies from one patient to another. As long as you follow your aftercare instructions, your pain should resolve fairly quickly.

Are there complication risks?

Bone grafting is common and has a low risk of complications. However, you should be aware of the potential risks, such as:
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Blood clot
  • Complications associated with anesthesia (if IV or oral sedation is used)
While rare, bone graft failure may occur, especially in patients who smoke or who have diabetes. Age and other medical factors may cause complications, as well as the source of the bone. You’ll want to discuss these concerns with your dental team at Pomerado Family Dental before determining if this is appropriate for you.

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